I’ve always been of the opinion that meeting an interesting person was the same as reading a good book.  This sentiment was nothing more than a metaphor.  Then someone atBraindamaged_feature_human_library-705x369  the VR workshop mentioned this cool organization–The Human Library — a place where the “books” are people.

One of the main concerns of the creators inventors was what would happen if people would not get the point? Or if the audience just simply did not want to be challenged on their prejudices? Well given that there was a total of 75 books available, the conclusion was that with so many different people together in a rather small space for a long time, then they are bound to start reading each other if no readers come. And so it was to become. Before the first reader could take out a book, the talks where already going on extensively and the feeling of something very special was in the air. The policeman sitting there speaking with the graffiti writer. The politician in discussions with the youth activist and the football fan in a deep chat with the feminist. It was a win-win situation and has been ever since.

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