I have come to the conclusion that the political sphere, at least at the national level, does not require my vociferous opinion. I’ve had many over the last few years. Shamefully, my Facebook wall is littered with passionate posts about dead political matters. Sometimes looking through my Facebook is like looking at a car with faded Kerry/Edwards sticker on the trunk. Who can countenance such failure? They make those things magnetic for a reason.
Today we celebrated Julian’s birthday. As far as I know, there aren’t any laws about having three Taurus’s in the house. Maybe there should be.
Today was my wife’s birthday and at about 1 a.m. this morning I got a jolt of anxiety and sat up in bed. “I haven’t done enough!” I thought to myself. “I’m a terrible husband!” And then, like so many of these middle-of-the-night thoughts, I ignored it and let my sub-conscious work out the problem.
My wife told me there’s a saying going around at her virtual office. “There are only three days: yesterday, today and tomorrow.” I don’t think people are saying that with too much sadness though. Is anyone really missing the other four? I read somewhere that the Igbo people had four-day work weeks and that the Soviets had flexible job schedules of 5-10 days. I don’t think any culture has got it tuned quite right. I’ve always preferred Buddhist arguments for the illusion of time, but I also make spreadsheets tracking my productivity. So parse that out.
I haven’t written much in this journal of mine. Sometimes we get too big headed to remember where our friends truly are. This quarantine is exquisite, but hard. Working from home while keeping a home seems like it should be so easy, geographically at least. Alas, Spring is not the idea time to start homeschooling kids. At least there’s planting to do and baking and other chores which make us feel like Laura Ingalls Wilder.

Corpse Flower is an animated film about a young man who believes his sick father is turning into a plant. The film is based on an original story and will be a mix of black and white 2D hand drawn animation punctuated with color Strata Paper Animation. The total running time will be approximately 20 min
Inspiration rarely leaves a paper trail. However, in the case of a project I’ve been working on recently called “Corpse Flower,” I have unearthed the source; it is Gilberto Gil’s 1994 cover of Stevie Wonder’s “The Secret Life of Plants.”
When you’re swimming in an infinity pool looking over the Jones Falls, it’s natural to start having the big thoughts. And if you’re hanging with Bryan Dunn of Mahan Rykiel Associaties, a landscape, urban design and planning firm, then the big thoughts are about why Baltimore is the most underrated city in America.
A written battle scene can get murky if you don’t have a good sense of the landscape, the combatants, and the tactics they might use. Sure everyone knows what flanking means, but how does one make flanking dramatic? And if you’re like me and have zero military experience, you’d better expect a lot of library time. Luckily, I found this little gem: the Marine Corp Doctrinal Publication on Tactics via the Jocko Willink Podcast.
Arrival, directed by Denis Villeneuve, is one of my favorite films. It is both serious and simple, profound and understated. It is based on a short story by Ted Chiang called “The Story of your Life.”
Here’s Brian Koppelman’s excellent and informative interview with Eric. I was totally impressed by the level of passion, commitment, and courage screenwriter Eric Heisserer put into this project. This is totally worth listening to if you have an hour and you need a break from passionately working on your secret, favorite project.
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